Sunday, December 13, 2009

Praise the Lord for he is good!

I've been busy with school, family, friends, and... the birth of my daughter. Sorry I haven't had time to blog, but I now have found some time. Let me set the scene: Piper's asleep next to me; Rachel's asleep in the bedroom; twenty or so kids are playing on the front deck of the house next door, which I now have a great view of because of the feng shui we performed on the living room; I have read through half of The Gospel According to Mark, a sunday tradition; I have been sick for the past few days, but I feel better today, though... (well Piper was asleep; now she's with Rachel) ... I missed pot luck dinner with the Body here @ North Hinds; I'm listening to some good hymn music (come thou fount, currently); the Lord has indeed blessed me life, breath, and everything else (i.e. Piper, Rachel, family, friends, his word).

So I've been studying faith (I know... I was studying that over a month ago) and I've found a lot of cool stuff that shows me how to live my life concerning faith, or pistis as the Greeks would say.

3 Practical Applications that I have seen:

1 Our love for man should not be held in partiality (James 2:1&8-9), meaning that I should not any man above another, save the Lord Christ. I am not to hold different levels of love for different people.

2 By faith I am to abide in Christ (1 John 2:28 & 1 Peter 1:7), meaning that I am to read his word daily (Deuteronomy 17:19-20 & John 14:23), Rejoice Always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL things (1 Thessalonians 5:16-19), and anything else that the Lord brings to my attention in his word.

3 I am to be sober and resist the devil's temptations by faith (1 Peter 5:8-9). Other verses that I am reminded of are 1 Peter 1:13 and Ephesians 6:16.

I was also reminded today, while reading Mark 4:26-29. Those in the kingdom are called to plant seeds. Food for thought: What is a seed? What is the kingdom?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Faith (How do we know what it is?)

Knowing that our lives are short in comparison to eternity (Psa 39:5), I acknowledge that I can't know anything apart from the Lord. I'm not even sure what faith is, but I know that I can find out about it in the word of God!

Below are a few verses that I have found the Greek word, pistis, the word for faith, in the new testament (concordances are great!):

God requires faith:
Matt 23:23; Mark 11:22; Luke 7:50, 8:25, 18:8; Acts 20:21; Rom 1:17, 11:20, 14:22-23

God gives faith:
Luke 17:5, 22:32; Acts 14:27, 15:9; Rom 12:3-6; 1 Cor 12:9

These are very encouraging to me to know that all I have to do to find faith is to pray and look to what God has already given to establish faith. Faith come by hearing the words of Christ (Rom 10:17)!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Praise be to God!

Been reading numbers... some pretty cool stuff in there... God definitely wanted Israel to do exactly what he told them to do... usually they didn't do it... so they'd get plagued or some other punishment... Thank the Lord for Christ's death and sacrifice, so that no longer does God requires us to be sinless. We just can't do it!

All we have to do is believe in Christ (John 3:36)! But true belief does not result in "believing" Christ, becoming merely hearers of the word and not doers (James 1:22). It begins with asking Christ for a repentant heart. This repentance leads to acts that are done to please the Lord, not to get to heaven (Matt 3:8; Luke 3:8; Eph 6:6). Thank the Lord that he spells it out for us in his word!

Rachel and Piper and doing well these days. Rachel's worried that she's not big enough (thinking that Piper is not big enough), but last night it looked like Piper was playing basketball inside Rachel's belly! My hope is in Christ that he might call Piper to repentance just as he has Rachel and I. I look forward to a life of teaching and leading both Rachel and Piper and any other children that the Lord allows us to keep.

Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who should I follow? Why JC of course!

Romans 14:22
"The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. "

Ecclesiastes 12:11-12
"The words of wise men are like goads (a pointed spear, used to direct animals), and masters of {these} collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd. But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion {to books} is wearying to the body."

John 14:26
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you."

1 John 2:27
"As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him."

Matthew 15:3
"Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?"

Mark 7:10
"Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Call to Teach

John 14:16-17,26;16:5-14

We have the holy spirit if we believe on Christ!

1 John 2:26-27

The Holy spirit teaches us through God's word!

Hebrews 5:7-12

Bam! Who is called to teach? We are are called to teach. Do you know the elementary principles of the Gospel? (Hebrews 6:1-2)

Matthew 28:18-20

Christ has called us to teach.

2 Timothy 2:24-25

Paul tells us how to teach.

REMEMBER. It is all to be done in Love with Love!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Broken with Perserverance

I came into Architecture studio thinking that people's lives were going to be changed by God just as soon as I was able to tell them of the Love of God and the peace of Christ. It just seems that this is not happening. I am finding that God may be using this to build perseverance in me. I see that in Romans 8:28-29, All good things work for good to those who are called to God's purpose, being foreknown and predestined to be conformed into the image of Christ. As far as I can tell, I think that God is testing to see if I will continue to speak his name and not become worn down by despair. If anyone has examples of this from the Word and other scripture that might encourage me, please share.

Christ has Died for our sins and risen for our salvation! There is no refuting that. If a man foretells his death and resurrection and then fulfills his prophesy, I know I will trust him to be faithful at his word. Praise Christ for giving me freedom so that I might not be bound by a yoke of slavery again (gal 5:1)!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Christ offers peace...

I have been working hard at school and have been involved in two group projects. Through talking with my group mates, I find myself searching for words to say that might bring them to Christ. They both have very hard outlooks on life, lacking Christ first but also missing out on the peace of Christ through faith. I wish I knew something to say. Proverbs 1:5 says "A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel." I will ask the church what to say that might bring them to the Lord. The only way I can learn better how to speak Christ to someone is to read his word. So I will be sure to continue to Abide in my Lord, also.

I pray that I might speak my mind more often to my wife.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Starting School

So... I just started school yesterday, again... I'm really excited about finishing this year! I have to keep reminding myself to fix my hope completely on the grace of Christ (1 Peter 1:13) to keep myself grounded and in the present. It keeps me grounded by making me realize, from 1 John 2:28, that I do not want to be in shame when my savior returns. It's going to be a busy year, but the Lord is my strength and in his word I will rest!

I'm praying for:
  • my family
  • Piper Ruth
  • Myself, that I may speak boldly and truthfully

Matthew 24:42-51
42"Therefore (BC)be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.

43"But be sure of this, that (BD)if the head of the house had known (BE)at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.

44"For this reason (BF)you also must be ready; for (BG)the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.

45"(BH)Who then is the (BI)faithful and (BJ)sensible slave whom his master (BK)put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time?

46"Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes.

47"Truly I say to you that (BL)he will put him in charge of all his possessions.

48"But if that evil slave says in his heart, 'My master is not coming for a long time,'

49and begins to beat his fellow slaves and eat and drink with drunkards;

50the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know,

51and will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be (BM)weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Livin, Lovin, Laughin

Praise the Lord for giving us the Holy spirit through Christ that we may be able to be conformed to the image of Christ (Rom 8:29) who is the exact representation of God (Heb 1:3). It is only by his word that we may be sustained (Heb 1:3). In Psalm 51:11, David mentions that he does not want the Holy spirit to depart from him, so apparently certain people had the spirit of God before Christ came, but Praise God that now we are all able to take part in the spirit of God!

We have lived on the Farm for just two weeks now, picking cucumbers and building decks. I really enjoy living within a community of believers, sharing all things just as in Acts 2. We must all, in the body of Christ, consider how to encourage each other to love and good deeds (Heb 10:24), but we should also remember that we are called to spread the gospel, creating disciples as we are going (Matt 28:19-20). I look forward to being given the opportunity to be hospitable to my family and those I am in school with (Titus 1:8), not forgetting that the Gospel of Christ is for all (Gal 3:8), so I should be hospitable to all and not just these that I have mentioned!

I am very much still looking forward to the blessing of my daughter, Piper Ruth. I pray that God would save her soul, and not harden it like pharaoh's. I know that if I bring her up the way of the Lord, she will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). I can rest in Lord with that promise. She has been kicking Rachel so much lately, I think she's going to break out even before it's her time! However she arrives into our midst, I will have the Holy Spirit as my guide to love her and raise her.

I am praying for:
  • Healthy Piper
  • Teaching from the Holy Spirit
  • People, my friend Rob may be able to relate to better than those that are already with him
  • Opportunities to show hospitality
  • Work that I might be able to provide for my family

The Joy of Children!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My wife's @ 23 weeks!

Our little girl (and yes it's a GIRL!) is growing phenomenally. I'm so excited about our child's progress, and Praise God for the blessing of a child! Many do not even experience the blessings of children, and others take them for granted. Thank you God that you have opened my eyes to your word!

So there were a lot of exclamation points in that last paragraph, but I hope you could tell I am excited. Rachel and I have been moving this past week and are continuing the move throughout this week by patching holes in the old apt and painting over the same holes. I also have to repair the door frame that I dismantled and shim out the door again so that it opens and closes.

As my friend Ryan Sullivan said the other day, with enthusiasm, "It is abundantly about Jesus!" I have dwelt on this phrase and I want it to be my lifelong thought and cry. There is nothing that should separate those that are in Christ because just the thought that Christ has died for my sin as well as your sin should give us so much joy and peace and enthusiasm. If we could only learn to dwell in that thought, we would all be better Christians.

I am closing up some projects at work which have been fun to work on, but I am looking forward to my new life in Jackson. I talked with a friend of mine about one day going into business together (a design-build partnership), and he was enthusiastic about it. If the Lord wills it (James 4:15), I would love to do this one day (probably not to soon, but in a few years). I spoke with a very wise man last night about nothing in particular, but one thing that he said stuck out to me. We should work and if God's blesses our work, then we should know that God has blessed our work (we do have to remember if your work compromises the commandments of God and any convictions you have from the Holy spirit, then God has not blessed your work even if you prosper in wealth). I guess I am just starting to understand how God views our work and what we do to provide for our families.

Things I'm praying for (and you can to!):
  • Piper Ruth Purser
  • Rachel's health and preparation for Labor
  • That the Lord would give me a spirit to exercise and get in shape
  • That I might be able to speak the truth of the word to people in my Class in Architecture School
Remember that Christ has died for your sins before you even knew what was sin! He has walked this earth, died on this earth, and rose on this earth. And if you believe on Christ, that he has died for your sins, then He will Justify you at the end of your life before God Almighty (Yahweh). He is faithful, and there is no deceit in his mouth (2 Timothy 2:13; 1 Peter 2:22), so you can trust that he will fulfill his promise!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Church

God has really been teaching me about his church, it’s purpose and it’s people, through his word (2 timothy 3:16), unbeknown to me of course. I am quite dense when it comes to understanding the word, but 1 John 2:27 tells me that I do not require teaching, but God himself will teach me (us) all things.

So anyways, the story is that I became interested in (well if you read my last post you’ll see that I mentioned this) 1 Corinthians 1:17-19, seeing that I should make my focus the gospel, and not any other theology or aspect of God. I like listening to M Driscoll when I get the chance (even though I disagree with him on some readings of the word – he confesses Christ’s death and resurrection 1 john 4:1-2) to see what he thinks on different matters, so I found a sermon of his on 1 Corinthians. I have since been listening to his series on the church in Corinth, and at the same time it has been brought to my attention from others (in the body of Christ) readings from the word on what and who the church is.

I see that the church is to be unified in thought, of the same mind (1 Cor 1:10). We are here to encourage each other closer to Christ (1 The 5:11). I had never considered before that the people who are in Christ and understand his justification, my brothers and sisters, should be of one mind. I have never thought of sharing the word of Christ was anything other than trying to bring someone to the Lord. But it’s not! It’s that and more.

The word of Christ is a reasoned explanation of God’s connection to us!

  • It’s an encouragement to those who believe on Christ.
  • It separates those who do not believe on Christ from those who do.
  • It tells of people who have walked this earth before.
  • It tells of what is to come.
  • It is exclusive and inclusive.
  • The word of the bible is for all people’s salvation!

To follow God’s word is to please God. It gives us the opportunity to not shrink away in shame at Christ 2nd coming (1 John 1:28). It gives us peace in time of trouble and in times of joy. It keeps us on our feet and lifts us up with Christ (both to heaven and to sacrifice)!

We are not to give up on each other (Hebrews 10:25), but we are to be of one mind. There can be disagreement in the church, but it must be resolved by the word of Christ. There is no private interpretation of the word (2 peter 1:20).

Thank God that he sent his only son that we might be saved from our sins (Eph 2:8). Thank God that he has given us a new spirit (romans 8:13) that we might be changed from our sinful ways! I say thank God that he gives me a heart for the poor, the widowed, the hurt, the tired, those without hope, those who are lonely, those who are hungry, those who need a ride, those who are frustrated with life, people without peace, people craving more from life, and anyone with whom I may come in contact!

Praise be to God!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Gospel preached on nothing else!

I have been intrigued. Creationism... where does evolution leave us when it comes to the word? I have watched some videos by Kent Hovind on creationism, and what I have taken from them is that we should question what we are being taught. 1 John 2:27 says, "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him."

I believe that this means that we have no need to believe what we are taught, but we are to "test the spirits" as it is said in 1 John 4:1. I have found evolution wanting. I may read more on it, but I have found holes in many arguments put out by evolutionist as well as creationist.

But there is one truth that I have seen in the word through all this:
1 Corinthians 1:17-19
For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

My concern should not be what some other person believes by there own logic, but it should be by who they submit there selves to. Are they following themselves? Are they following other people who have come out with some 'new way' of believing? Or do they choose to follow that which has been understood throughout time? What is there God? Most people's God today is themselves. But how can a finite human being be God? How could we even begin to think that our logic, accumulated over the last 50+- years could withstand the test of time? It is pride that tells us to believe in our own logic, and it is foolishness to believe in new logic? My case for Christ comes with the fact that Christianity has survived for 2000+- years. Why would some backwoods religion began in Galilee make it to today?

I have a strong pull towards those in Jackson now that I moving there. I hope that I might impact the lives around me for the glory of God, the God of the scripture, the God of the last 6000 years.

Matthew 28:19-20
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.

Having met a couple of guys today, and not sharing the gospel with them, has been bugging me. I pray to be my open with Christ in the future.

Change my heart Oh God!

I look forward to sleeping next to my wife tonight as well. Thank you God for a woman who does follow you!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's the 2nd of July, and Mississippi is the 5th most obese state for five years running! So hot outside, and yet so cold in my office... I'm ready for the weekend and spending a long and relaxing day with my wife tomorrow! We're gonna lunch-n-bowl and hopefully go swimming.

Pryor-Morrow Architects just came together in fine form. We had bbq, provided by P&M, and everyone else brought food (kinda like pot-luck). I made some potato salad for the event. The recipe came from my kitchen cabinet, meaning whatever spices I had in there, they went into the side dish! It actually turned out really good. One of the older women brought some key lime cheese cake with fruit on top. It was amazing! I'm so stuffed I think I might take a nap right at my computer.

Things I'm planning on doing in the next week:
  • finish a picture book that I started, finished, deleted off my computer, and am re-doing now
  • tend to garden outside and hopefully see some cantaloupe come up that I just planted
  • get a tan
  • share the word with my friends
  • go see my peeps @ tibee
  • have a few good runs with my pups
  • play lots of guitar, i miss it!
  • pray for several friends who are struggling with some things right now
I hope I will always take time to stop, throwing away my list and reinventing it to follow what Christ would have of me: feed the poor, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, teach those younger, pray for those in need, etc.

Deuteronomy 17:19-20:
And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them: That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the commandment, [to] the right hand, or [to] the left: to the end that he may prolong [his] days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel.

This reminds me also that I need to be in word (remembering 2 timothy 3:16).

I hope you all have a good fourth of July!

Monday, June 29, 2009

LEED AP, hospitality, and life...

So... I passed a very hard test this last week, that now qualifies me to design "green" architecture. Feel any different? no... but I got some letters behind my name now, and I'm a professional in something. Getting hired by a firm should be easier as well, now that I am LEED AP. I still have the feeling that it counts for nothing in eternity. When I die and am resurrected with Christ, I am pretty sure that being LEED AP will not count for much. So if you are reading this, know that knowing God is what counts in this life. Everything else pails in comparison. Knowing who God is and what he requires of us is all that matters.

It's a good thing that Christ has died for us then because otherwise we would have to use our lives to meet God's requirements. The God of the bible is a holy God, a righteous God, who hates sin. How are we to be reconciled to him then if we have sinned. No one has lived a perfect besides God himself. Consider: have you stolen? have you lied? have you thought sexual thoughts towards someone other than your spouse (this goes for singles too)? have you hated your brother in your mind (remember that 'brother' is anyone you come in contact with)? Just doing one of these once cancels your contract with God. In other words you fail his requirements.

Thank Christ that he has come and died in our place. Where death was required, God's son died for us, so that there is no condmenation for us. It's amazing Grace! Amazing love! the GREAT exchange! the substitutionary sacrifice! and why would I not worship this God? especially, when he has claimed to be the only God.

I find that being LEED AP is good for me in the fact that I may provide for my family. I also think that putting myself in these positions allows me to plant seeds in places that may never see the sight of Christ.

Rachel and I have seen in the word that we should practice hospitality to anyone, understanding that to practice an activity includes thinking and doing. So we are thinking of ways that we may be hospitable to others, while at the same time being sure to put this into action.

I am looking forward to november, and the birth of my first born child (and yes that is the same 'child' that is used in proverbs, exodus, and matthew). I cannot explain the joy that fills me already. Only parents could know this feeling. I see how God has blessed me with this Joy already, even before my child is able to be held by me!

listening to right now: Brandon Heath
favorite band right now: LeCrae
favorite color: orange
verses I read this morning: Luke chapters 6 & 7
memorization verses right now: deut 17:19 1 John 2:28 Heb 13:22 2 Tim 3:16
project working on right now: condominiums on Jarnigan St in Starkville
looking forward to: bible study on wed, being off friday (& midwife visit), biking with my dogs
hoping: that I get some quality time with my wife tonight
most enjoyed in the past little bit: reading Ruth with Rachel

just thought I'd clue ya'll in ony life! Have a great day!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

On 1 John 1:9

Forgiveness and Confession

We should always confess our sins to him and each other, but his forgiveness is there even before we confess our sins:

“II. The apostle then instructs the believer in the way to the continued pardon of his sin. Here we have, 1. His duty in order thereto: If we confess our sins, v. 9. Penitent confession and acknowledgment of sin are the believer’s business, and the means of his deliverance from his guilt

(not from God’s condemnation because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ – Romans 8:1. We are not condemn by God if we believe on Christ. Therefore there is no need for asking forgiveness). – my insert

“And, 2. His encouragement thereto, and assurance of the happy issue. This is the veracity, righteousness, and clemency of God, to whom he makes such confession: He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, v. 9. God is faithful to his covenant and word, wherein he has promised forgiveness to penitent believing confessors. He is just to himself and his glory who has provided such a sacrifice, by which his righteousness is declared in the justification of sinners. He is just to his Son who has not only sent him for such service, but promised to him that those who come through him shall be forgiven on his account. By his knowledge (by the believing apprehension of him) shall my righteous servant justify many, Isa. 53:11. He is clement and gracious also, and so will forgive, to the contrite confessor, all his sins, cleanse him from the guilt of all unrighteousness, and in due time deliver him from the power and practice of it.” / Matthew Henry Commentary on 1 John 1

Here is the Greek for “we confess” @ 1 John 1:9:

1) to say the same thing as another, i.e. to agree with, assent
2) to concede
a) not to refuse, to promise
b) not to deny
1) to confess
2) declare
3) to confess, i.e. to admit or declare one's self guilty of what one is accused of
3) to profess
a) to declare openly, speak out freely
b) to profess one's self the worshipper of one
4) to praise, celebrate

Here is the Greek for “forgive” @ Matt 6:12:

1) to send away
a) to bid going away or depart
1) of a husband divorcing his wife
b) to send forth, yield up, to expire
c) to let go, let alone, let be
1) to disregard
2) to leave, not to discuss now, (a topic)
a) of teachers, writers and speakers
3) to omit, neglect
d) to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit
e) to give up, keep no longer
2) to permit, allow, not to hinder, to give up a thing to a person
3) to leave, go way from one
a) in order to go to another place
b) to depart from any one
c) to depart from one and leave him to himself so that all mutual claims are abandoned
d) to desert wrongfully
e) to go away leaving something behind
f) to leave one by not taking him as a companion
g) to leave on dying, leave behind one
h) to leave so that what is left may remain, leave remaining
i) abandon, leave destitute

It’s the peace of Christ that is seen by knowing that if we believe “on” Christ our sins are forgiven already & always!

Galatians 6:2 admonishes us to bear each other’s burdens. I believe that through confession to each other we are able to do that. There is no need to ask forgiveness because we have already been justified by Christ before, so therefore, know that God has forgiven you and that you are free from sin and sinning to live as free people!

Also, note that to love Christ, believing “on” him and abiding in him, we must keep and abide in his word (John 14:23). This is one way to know that we are believing on Christ and not just claiming a belief in Christ, a belief that doesn’t produce fruit.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

life and Christ

It’s been a good week. I have seen that the grace of Christ is sufficient in my life. I downloaded ReSound’s new album for free! (A Mars Hill Band) The album comprises mostly of hymns done in my generation’s fashion. Rachel and I listened to them last night while I studied for the LEED exam. AGHHHHH! I am taking the exam in a week’s time and have only studied, thoroughly one section of six in the past two nights.

I bought an audio guide to the reference manual for this test in hopes that it might sink in subliminally.

I have seen in God’s word today that Christ has died for our sins and has bore them on the cross. Isaiah 53:5 says that God was pierced through our transgression, crushed for our sins; the chastening for well-being fell upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We are studying Romans 8 in bible study over the summer, and we are on verses 9-11 which tell more of the story of Christ’s sacrifice: (my paraphrase) If you are a believer in Christ, then you do not focus on your desires, but you focus on God’s. You who belong to Christ must have the spirit of Christ. You are to be free from sin (not from sinning) and focused on God’s will. If your focus is on the spirit of God, you will be given life. What good news!

This goes back to Matthew 5:48, “therefore, be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect.” Of course we are imperfect beings, but we are Justifide by Christ!, for those who believe on him. I imagine us before the throne of God, at our time of judgement, but instead of our sins, all God sees is his son, Christ, the spotless and blameless lamb of our atonement!

Man I get all fired up talking about this!.. but I digress I am on Lunch break, writing and my break is coming to an end. I’ll finish with a little image of something Roger Pryor & I design, that’s being constructed later this month:

But just like everything else in life, this too shall pass. All of Man's glories will deteriorate and fall! Come to Christ who is unfailing and eternal!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My life right now

I am soon to be a father for the first time. I hope to teach my children God's word and live in such a way that his word is glorified.

I am a husband. I hope to wash my wife in the word of God, following the admonishing of Paul in Ephesians 5.

I am a brother in many ways, two of which include, being a help and encouragement to my sisters and brother in my family, and being an encouragement to my brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere.

I am disciple. I study the word of God trying to learn all I can from his word. I am a teacher. Making disciples of those who will listen.

I am nameless. Christ is the only good in me, and it is his name I would have for me, my wife, my children, my family, and any who would have him as well.