Thursday, April 29, 2010

Joy (that's from the Lord)

Paul said that the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but it is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit in Romans 14:17.

How do we have Joy in the Holy Spirit?

Well... here's how I have been seeing it, not holistically what should be seen about this issue, but just what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me:

Jesus says, "The holy spirit will guide you into all truth (John 16:13)."

Also, "Sanctify them in truth, your word is truth," he prays in the garden (John 17:17).

I say it has something to do with the word of God.

Well, looking to the word, I see many ways that God gives joy:
  • through others who are walking by faith and not by sight, by the spirit and not by the flesh (phil 2:2, phil 2:17-18, 1the 2:19-20, 2tim 1:3-5, Philemon 1:7, 1 joh 1:3-4, 3 joh 1:4, luk 15:7-10, 2 cor 2:3, 2cor 7:4)
  • through testing our faith (jam 1:2-3, jer 17:--7-8, acts 5:41)
  • through the knowledge of our salvation, and here, you must determine for yourself if you believe God's word or if you just know a lot about it (1 pet 1:8-9, Joh 16:-20-22, zeph 3:14-17, isa 35:4-10)
  • through 'pleasing' God (1 joh 1:4, 1 joh 2:28, 1 the 4:1)
  • through being in God's presence (psa 16:11, luk 24:52, joh 3:29)
You must find out how to do these things by faith. I can tell you all day long about these good things to do, but if the Lord has not revealed to you the truth about these things above, there's no way you can walk by them. You'll be as the second seed, taking these external things up with joy, but in the end you will not persevere. Only God can give this grace to you. The good news is this: 'after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation-having also believed, you were sealed in Christ with the Holy Spirit of Promise (eph 1:13)!' If you, not only 'know', the Gospel, but you believe it, then, Praise the Lord!, you have the holy spirit and can learn from God's word all by yourself (1 John 2:27)!


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