How do we have Joy in the Holy Spirit?
Well... here's how I have been seeing it, not holistically what should be seen about this issue, but just what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me:
Jesus says, "The holy spirit will guide you into all truth (John 16:13)."
Also, "Sanctify them in truth, your word is truth," he prays in the garden (John 17:17).
I say it has something to do with the word of God.
Well, looking to the word, I see many ways that God gives joy:
- through others who are walking by faith and not by sight, by the spirit and not by the flesh (phil 2:2, phil 2:17-18, 1the 2:19-20, 2tim 1:3-5, Philemon 1:7, 1 joh 1:3-4, 3 joh 1:4, luk 15:7-10, 2 cor 2:3, 2cor 7:4)
- through testing our faith (jam 1:2-3, jer 17:--7-8, acts 5:41)
- through the knowledge of our salvation, and here, you must determine for yourself if you believe God's word or if you just know a lot about it (1 pet 1:8-9, Joh 16:-20-22, zeph 3:14-17, isa 35:4-10)
- through 'pleasing' God (1 joh 1:4, 1 joh 2:28, 1 the 4:1)
- through being in God's presence (psa 16:11, luk 24:52, joh 3:29)